ILHAM memang mengejutkan

‘Yang datang’ dalam diri kita mungkin hanya sekali. Ada yang mentakrif ‘yang datang’ itu sebagai ilham.

Mungkin ada sesuatu yang mencetuskan ‘ilham’ itu.

Dan sebagai manusia kita tidak ingat sepenuhnya bagaimana ‘ilham’ itu datang.

Di bawah ini salah satu contoh ‘ilham’ beberapa tahun yang lalu.


“Your words, my dear are correct

My dear,  your statement is the tempest, my bed of this sleepless tonight;

It roars, groans and bleeds profusely shaking to the core – my inner being.

No. Not that I am blaming you. No.

Yes, but yes my dear to you, the very fabrics of your trust in my love have been cruelly shredded none other than by very own hands.

Who I am to blame, if not my goodself?

That I am classified as a pretender does not appear from thin air.

Yes, in your eyes I am that pretender who skillfully weaves his feeling to con and capture an innocent lady’s heart.

How cruel of me, my dear. But, alas there is none to blame except me of course.

Then how would I patch your heart when there is no more heart of yours left to be patched? Yes, my evil deeds have burnt every grain of love of your left.

Who is to be blamed, if not my poor heartless pitiful soul?

Yes,  my dear I cannot continue pretending loving you for as you know my heart casts in stone knows no love!

How on earth would a block of stone be whispering words of unreavering love into your ears?

Yes, my dear. You right, I am that so-good pretender who always dreams he is really one such great pretender! Yes, in fact he is a real seasoned pretender.

NDIlhamEpi20 05Mei24



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